Don’t Wait to Celebrate Your “Exit”. Celebrate the Little Wins.

Most entrepreneurs dream of building a big business and selling it. And they tell themselves that until they’ve reached this milestone… They can’t waste time smelling the roses. I understand […]
5 Signs You’re Closer to “Winning” Than You Think

There’s an old story about a gold miner. Napoleon Hill told it in Think and Grow Rich. A man digs for gold… He digs and digs—weeks, months—without finding anything… Finally, he […]
The Problem With New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again. The time when we all set big, shiny New Year’s resolutions… Only to abandon most of them by February. Sound familiar? The truth is, […]
Measure progress. Not Results.

We’ve all been there. Caught in a “success valley.” We’re showing up, putting in the work, but the results just aren’t there. It’s frustrating. So, what do we do? We […]
Why Your Close % Doesn’t Matter As Much As You Think

Salespeople love metrics, but let’s face it: close % is overrated. Sure, it’s nice to see a high percentage. But if we’re obsessing over this number, we’re focusing on the wrong […]
My #1 discipline hack? It might surprise you.

Most successful people credit “discipline” for their achievements. And this topic is written about in plenty of business articles and books. Yet, if you’re like me… You’ve probably found yourself […]

Hustle Is Channeled. Not Created. I have had the privilege of working with thousands of sellers over the last 10 years. And I have seen everything from people who went […]
The myth of 0 to 100.

We’ve all been here. Pretend it’s January 2nd… You’re at the gym. And you’re staring at your “25 exercise plan” that you came up with to hit your New Year’s fitness […]
Recruiting Insurance Agents: How-To Guide (2024 Updated)

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just kicking off in insurance, we can agree that the frequency and persistence of your outreach efforts are what make or break your recruiting […]
Stuck in a sales slump? Here’s what to do.

As someone who lives in greater Atlanta… I’m a pretty big Braves fan. And, while our team is still winning a lot this year (like normal)… The Braves best three […]